Warm and Cozy Buckwheat Salad
I love this salad at any time of year but particularly served warm on a chilly autumnal evening.
Raw buckwheat
Mung beans
Vegetable stock or bone broth
Selection of chunky diced vegetables: winter squash, peppers, red onions, carrots, courgette…whatever you like best
1/2 pomegranate (seeded)
1/2-1 head of garlic
Handful of fresh basil (or tbsp dried)
1 jar of sundried tomatoes in olive oil
Juice and peeled chopped rind of one lemon
Bunch of flat parsley (chopped)
Measure your buckwheat, mung beans and vegetable stock into a pan, the stock should come about a centimetre over the buckwheat and beans. Cover with a lid and bring to the boil.
Turn down to simmer and allow to cook until almost all the liquid is evaporated. You can remove the lid if it’s looking too wet to allow the liquid to evaporate or add a splash more water if it looks too dry. Then replace the lid and leave to one side.
Meanwhile, arrange your diced veg and all but one clove of garlic with the skin still on in a roasting tray and roast in a medicine oven until the beg is soft and browned a little.
For the dressing: remove the roasted garlic from the skin, tip the whole jar of tomatoes including the oil into a powerful blender. Add the lemon juice, one raw garlic clove, basil salt and pepper and blend until smooth. You might need to add some water to this for a saucy consistency.
Combine the buckwheat mix, roast veg and dressing along with all the additional ingredients in a large bowl and mix well.
Serve warm or allow to go cold.