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Cauliflower Kale Salad

Cauliflour Kale Salad Photo



1 cauliflower

Bunch of Cavallo Nero / other kale roughly chopped

100g almonds, lightly toasted and chopped/bashed

40g sultanas

1 tsp garam masala

2 tsp smoked paprika

Medium bunch of chopped fresh parsley

Medium bunch of chopped fresh mint


Juice of ½ lemon

Good glug of olive oil

1 medium onion




1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees.


2. Cut the florets off the cauliflower and break into small pieces.


3. Chop the onion roughly and mix with the cauli florets and a glug of olive oil then place in a roasting tray. Roast for 15-20 mins until cauli is starting to brown. Then remove from the oven and allow to cool


4. Meanwhile toast your almonds in a dry frying pan until lightly brown then allow to cool & chop or bash with the end of a rolling pin.


5. Then gently sweat your kale off in some oil with some salt and pepper and allow to cool.


6. Mix your chopped almonds in a bowl with all of the other ingredients, including the cauliflower and kale once cooled. Serve the salad immediately or keep in the fridge for up to 2 days.



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